Dave and Dan’s Excellent Adventure: Roadtrip to Pick Up the 2016 Syrah Harvest Recap

This year, when Bells Up winemaker Dave made the trip from Newberg to Milton-Freewater, Oregon, to pick up our 2016 harvest of Walla Walla Valley AVA Syrah on September 23, he had a co-pilot along for the ride: Fanfare Club Founding Member Dan Hardy, of HGTV’s House Hunters fame.

In addition to touring Summit View Vineyard and picking up a ton of grapes for our Firebird wine, the dynamic duo also chowed down on some choice roadtrip fare at the C & D Drive-in in Boardman, plus got in some quality male bonding time.

Here’s a few pictures from their excellent adventure.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

The empty Bells Up harvest bins await their Syrah grapes.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

Look at those gorgeous, lush leaves.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

Another view of the empty bins waiting to be filled.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

Dave inspects the crop.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

The next morning, Dave and Dan returned to pick up the bins full of harvested Syrah grapes. Here’s Dave with Andreej, Summit View Vineyards’ foreman.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

Check out those delectable Syrah grapes. Yum.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

A photo of the healthy lunch choices Dave and Dan made while stopping in at C & D Drive-in in Boardman, Oregon during the trip.

Bells Up Syrah 2016 harvest pickup run.

Dan intimidates a small-ish burger at C & D Drive-in.

Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we process this Syrah along with all of our Pinot noir grapes!

Bells Up Winery | 27895 NE Bell Road | Newberg, Oregon 97132 | 503.537.1328 | info@bellsupwinery.com

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